Course curriculum

    1. Unit 1 - Getting Started

    2. Lesson 1.1 - Welcome and Introductions

    3. Lesson 1.2 - About School Safety 101

    4. Lesson 1.2 - Unit Organization

    5. Lesson 1.2 - Module Syllabus: An Overview of School Safety 101

    6. Lesson 1.3 - Field Work and Reflections

    7. Lesson 1.3 - Starting the Field Work

    8. Lesson 1.4 - Assessments and Surveys

    9. Lesson 1.4 - Module Pre-Assessment

    10. Lesson 1.5 - Support and Assistance

    1. Unit 2- Thinking Differently About School Safety

    2. Lesson 2.1 - Why Haven’t We Solved Our School Safety Problems?

    3. Lesson 2.1 - Reading: Why Do We Still Have a School Safety Problem?

    4. Lesson 2.1 - Reading: Five Ways to Fix Our School Safety Problems

    5. Lesson 2.2 - What is the state of school safety today?

    6. Lesson 2.2 - Reading: 2022-2023 Violent Threats and Incidents in Schools report

    7. Lesson 2.3 - What do we know to be true about school violence?

    8. Lesson 2.4 - The School Safety Improvement Cycle

    9. Lesson 2.4 - Field Work and Reflection

    10. Lesson 2.5 - School safety or security? The impact on school stakeholders

    11. Lesson 2.5 - Shifting our approach to school safety

    12. Lesson 2.5 - Field Work and Reflection

    13. Lesson 2.6 - How climate and culture fit into school safety

    14. Unit 2 Post-Test

    15. Unit 2 Survey

    1. Unit 3 - Assessing Risks and Vulnerabilities

    2. Lesson 3.1 - Assessing Risks

    3. Lesson 3.1 - Field Work and Reflection

    4. Lesson 3.2 - Assessing Vulnerabilities

    5. Lesson 3.2 - Field Work and Reflection

    6. Lesson 3.2 - Reading: A Realistic Look at Risks and Vulnerabilities in Schools

    7. Lesson 3.2 - Field Work and Reflection

    8. Unit 3 Post-Test

    9. Unit 3 Survey

    1. Unit 4 - Prevention and Preparation: The Building Blocks of School Safety

    2. Lesson 4.1 - Student Disclosures

    3. Lesson 4.1 - Reading: What Do Students Say About Safety in Their School?

    4. Lesson 4.1 - Field Work and Reflection

    5. Lesson 4.2 - Strategic Supervision

    6. Lesson 4.2 - Field Work and Reflection

    7. Lesson 4.3 - Visitor Screening

    8. Lesson 4.3 - Visitor Engagement

    9. Lesson 4.3 - Field Work and Reflection

    10. Lesson 4.4 - I.D. Badges

    11. Lesson 4.4 - Tools of the Trade

    12. Lesson 4.4 - Field Work and Reflection

    13. Lesson 4.5 - Access Control

    14. Lesson 4.5 - Field Work and Reflection

    15. Lesson 4.6 - Communication Concerns

    16. Lesson 4.6 - Reading: Communication and School Safety - Let's Tell Everyone

    17. Lesson 4.6 - Reading: Communicating in a Crisis - A Principal's Perspective

    18. Lesson 4.6 - Field Work and Reflection

    19. Unit 4 Post-Test

    20. Unit 4 Survey

    1. Unit 5 - Effective Crisis Response

    2. Lesson 5.1 - Important considerations for response procedures

    3. Lesson 5.1 - Evacuation

    4. Lesson 5.1 - Reverse Evacuation

    5. Lesson 5.1 - Severe Weather

    6. Lesson 5.1 - Drop, Cover, and Hold

    7. Lesson 5.1 - Shelter in Place

    8. Lesson 5.1 - Lockdown

    9. Lesson 5.1 - Reading: Bringing Lockdown Up to Date

    10. Lesson 5.1 - Reading: If Lockdown is Your School Safety Hammer...

    11. Lesson 5.1 - Reading: Beyond Lockdown - Standard Response Protocols

    12. Lesson 5.1 - Field Work and Reflection

    13. Lesson 5.2 - Effective Active Shooter Response

    14. Lesson 5.2 - Reading: Active Shooter Drill Gone Wrong

    15. Lesson 5.2 - Reading: Do We Need to Scare Teachers Straight?

    16. Lesson 5.2 - Field Work and Reflection

    17. Unit 5 Post-Test

    1. Unit 6 - Next Steps

    2. Lesson 6.1 - Stay connected with us

    3. Lesson 6.1 - Additional resources to support your school safety work

    4. Lesson 6.1 - Free Sample Book Chapter from Keeping Students Save Every Day

    5. Lesson 6.1 - What We Didn't Cover

    6. Optional Lesson 6.2 - Threat Assessment Management

    7. Lesson 6.3 - You Did It! Now What?

    8. Lesson 6.3 - Module Post-Assessment

About this course

  • $100.00
  • 79 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content

School Safety 101 prepares you for the challenges educators face

  • Build your professional skills with engaging videos explaining key concepts

  • Complete field work in your setting to identify areas of improvement

  • Extend your learning with further reading and resources

Course preview - Lesson 4.2

Strategic Supervision

Increase your school safety professional skills